Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The World's LONGEST Yard Sale

On this blog, I plan to write about and share pictures of places I've been over the years.  I really love to visit new places, especially if they have history.  If you share my love of history and travel, I hope you enjoy this blog!

One trip that I have taken many times is the World's Longest Yard Sale, or the 127 Corridor Yard Sale.  It is 690(!) miles of yard sales, stretching from Michigan to Alabama.  It begins the first Thursday of August and continues through the first Sunday every year.  You just drive down 127 and stop at anyplace that interests you.

My favorite part of the route is the part through Kentucky.  You can find anything you want (and a lot of things you don't) if you look hard and long enough.  The sale is part yard sale, part thrift store, part antique store, part flea market, and part craft fair.  If you like to shop at any of those places, you will love the 127 sale.

Many people who live along 127 have regular yard sales in their yards and driveways.  There are also many places that have much larger events.  These may be at a fair ground, church, or even in a field.  These are my favorite places to stop because I can maximize my shopping time by checking out a ton of sellers' items in one place.

If you know me, you will know that my favorite things to look for at the sale are Star Wars collectibles and costume jewelry.  You have to be a good shopper because some things are priced at yard sale prices and some things are priced very high.  It is important to know the worth of the things you shop for and what you are willing to spend for them.  I feel that after years of Star Wars collecting, I am very knowledgeable on the subject and only buy things that I can find for a good price.  The is especially useful because I collect for my own enjoyment, not to resell.  That means I do terrible things like open the packages (gasp)!  Here are some of my favorite finds from this year:

And my all time favorite find:

One final piece of advice:  drive carefully!  There will be a ton of traffic and people will driving slowly or strangely so that they can look while they drive and they will be stopping a lot.

If you want to plan a trip for next year, the official site is http://www.127sale.com/ 


  1. Looks like fun! I love the sparkly bracelet!

  2. That's a gorgeous bracelet! Fun idea for a blog, Jen. Looking forward to future posts!

  3. So glad you found the Burger King glass, finally! What exactly are the C3PO and Darth Vader busts about? Do they open or unfold? Why are they your favorites? Looking forward to more pictures and posts of your travels... you've been to all sorts of interesting places, and I'd love to hear and see more about them!

    1. I was pretty excited about the glass. The C3P0 and Darth Vader busts open up and have slots to hold figures. They are my favorite because they are pretty expensive (even though I don't have the oldest version) and I got them for about $2 each. I love a good deal! Also, they're cool!
