Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Old Mill

There are many great things to see in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Our visit to Little Rock Central High School was especially moving.  The Clinton Presidential Library is quite interesting.  The most beautiful, however, is the Old Mill.  

The Old Mill was built in 1933 as a replica of an old grist mill.  The developer, Justin Matthews, wanted it to be appear to be the "ruins of a bygone era supplanted by modern methods."  While the building was built to look old, it is certainly old in it's own right now.  The actual grist mill on the first floor is real and is from 1828.   The mill is named for Matthew's friend Thomas Pugh.

The major claim to fame of the mill is that it was used in the opening credits of Gone with the Wind.

Today, you can visit the mill for free between sunrise and sunset.  

You will want to spend plenty of time exploring the park with it's lake, bridges, and whimsecal statues.

You can also walk through the mill itself and watch the wheel work.

It is a great spot for pictures!

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