Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Loretto Chapel

The Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico is a lovely little Catholic chapel.  While it is a very nice church, it is just like any other church you might find anywhere in the country.  Except for one thing.  The legend of the staircase.  This is the reason that so many people visit.  Whether you believe in the miraculous legend or not, the chapel is definitely worth visiting to see the famous staircase.

The Sisters of Loretto are based in Kentucky.  In 1852 they responded to a call from the Bishop by sending seven sisters to help in Santa Fe.  On the way, they ran into a cholera epidemic and the Mother Superior died and they had to send another very sick nun home.  Upon arrival in Santa Fe, the remaining nuns started the Academy of Our Lady of Light (Loretto).  In 1873, it was determined that the school should have a chapel designed by the Parisian architect Antoine Mouly and his son, who were in town to build the St. Francis Cathedral (which is next door).

The school closed in 1968 and the chapel was decomissioned.  It is now a museum.  

When the chapel was completed, there was a huge problem:  There was no way to reach the choir loft!  There was no way to build a staircase without ruining the small space, according to architects consulted.  This is where the legend comes in. 

The sisters prayed a novena to St. Joseph, the patron saint of carpenters.  On the last day of their prayers, a mysterious man (with a donkey) appeared looking for work.  He built the staircase for the sisters and, when the work was complete, disappeared without even waiting to get paid.

The sisters looked everywhere for him and even ran an ad in the paper, but they couldn't find him.  Maybe he was St. Joseph answering their prayers himself!

Miraculous or not, the staircase is an architectural masterpiece and ahead of it's time.  It has two 360 degree turns and no visible signs of support.  It is built with wooden pegs instead of nails.  It was originally built without the railing (which scared some of the nuns, so one was added later).  Also, according to legend, the wood that it is built with is unidentifiable.

Modern analysis says that there is support internally, the wood is spruce, and building with wooden pegs is nothing new.

Many people believe the legend and many people do not.  You will have to visit and decide for yourself!


  1. Very cool! I've heard of this, but never seen pictures. Neat!

  2. I'd heard of it too, so it was fun to see!
